Beneficiary :

Abubakar Asiddiq Islamic Center (AAIC)

Total funding :

$6.04 million

Status :


The objective of the project is to generate a regular income for the Abubakar Asiddiq Islamic Center AAIC), which will serve to enhance the activities and operations of AAIC in the social, educational and religious fields in Columbus, Ohio, USA. These objectives will be achieved through the construction of two commercial buildings having a total built-up area of approximately 32,134 sq. ft on a land that will be designated as waqf and renting the space to generate income for the AAIC to finance its activities.

The AAIC is a non-profit tax-exempt organization that has been formed exclusively for educational, religious, and social purposes. AAIC is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-lingual, non-sectarian, diverse, and open community committed to full and equal participation and involvement of men and women who are community members of AAIC subscribe to accept its rules, regulations, and procedures.

The vision of AAIC is to establish AAIC as a multi-ethnic and vibrant Islamic center that caters to the religious, educational, and social needs of the Muslim communities of Central Ohio. 

The total cost of the project is estimated at US$ 6.04 million. IsDB will finance part of the cost of the project for an amount of US$ 4.40 million (APIF: US$ 2.20 million and APIF Line: US$ 2.20 million). The remaining amount of US$ 1.64 million (including US$ 0.20 million value of land) will be contributed by the Beneficiary.