Climate-Smart Urban Mobility: Where to Invest?
Time & Date of Event
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Wednesday, 16th of November 2022
Event Overview
Transport emissions continue to rise year on year but increasing investment in urban public transport can help halt and reverse the rising emissions while transforming cities. This is because public transport alongside active mobility is the fastest and most cost-effective solution to reduce urban emissions and decarbonise people’s daily mobility. Society will benefit from every increase in a modal share to public transport, through fewer road fatalities and injuries, more inclusive access to opportunities, reduced congestion, improved air quality and freeing up space in our cities.
Public transport must be seriously prioritized for climate investment as it is an investment in a complete, inclusive, equitable, resilient climate smart solution.The event will bring together leaders from the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) alongside the IsDB who will explore concrete examples and solutions for boosting innovation and investment toward low-carbon resilient urban mobility built on a backbone of public transport.
Event Outcomes
The side event will help to identify potential areas to collaborate in supporting ambitious urban mobility strategies with public transport towards COP 28 and provide direct input to the Solutions Day of the COP27 Presidency by:
- Highlighting UITP member action in the region and IsDB group climate initiatives and strategic plans on urban mobility for the coming years.
- Extracting policy measurers that impact the sector and are worth replicating and scaling up.
- Identifying potentials for the sector, success stories and available opportunities for more ambitious climate action.