Infrastructure for Climate Action: Scaling nature-based solutions in infrastructure to achieve the SDGs and Paris Agreement goals. <

Infrastructure for Climate Action: Scaling nature-based solutions in infrastructure to achieve the SDGs and Paris Agreement goals.

Time & Date of Event 

11:00 AM to 12:30 PM on Wednesday, 16th of November 2022 

Event Overview 

This is an emerging area of focus for UNOPS, which is currently developing a knowledge product “Assessing the Nature-based solution for Infrastructure for delivering on SDGs and the Paris Agreement” with a planned pre-launch at the Diversity CoP in December 2022. However, the study is at peer review stage and UNOPS plans to present the initial findings at CoP 27. The paper discusses opportunities for scaling nature-based infrastructure, NbI, mutual benefits on SDG and Paris Agreement, and key action areas. UNOPS will also showcase examples and case studies from its projects where NbI have been implemented. 

Event Outcomes 

  • Increase awareness of nature-based solutions and their use in infrastructure climate action. 
  • Knowledge exchange in nature-based solutions for infrastructure 
  • Capacity building on the use of nature-based solutions in infrastructure, especially for government participants 


Wednesday, 16th of November 2022
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (Egypt Time), Venue: Joint MDB Group Pavilion
Live Streaming