Statement by HE Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser Chairman, IsDB Group On the UN Day for South-South Cooperation
12 September, 2024

Statement by HE Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser Chairman, IsDB Group On the UN Day for South-South Cooperation

Today, we observe the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, a momentous occasion for the Global South.

At the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, we view South-South Cooperation as a cornerstone of international cooperation for development, allowing countries in the South to share their experiences for sustainable prosperity.

This day marks a celebration of our collective achievements and a reaffirmation of our commitment to supporting South-South Cooperation initiatives, particularly in these challenging times.

Fifty years ago, 22 countries from the Global South, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, established the IsDB as a pioneering South-South multilateral development bank with a universal mission to promote human development and prosperity. Today, with 57 member countries across four continents, the IsDB stands stronger than ever.

Over the past five decades, we have utilized our South-South Cooperation mechanism, “Reverse Linkage,” to connect more than 37 member countries, facilitating the exchange of their knowledge and expertise to tackle pressing development challenges.

Through our Technical Cooperation Program, we have supported over 2,600 South-South Cooperation interventions. We have also contributed to the body of knowledge on South-South Cooperation with new concepts and tools, such as the National Ecosystems for South-South and Triangular Cooperation and the South-South Cooperation Index Guidelines.

In April 2024, we celebrated the IsDB’s Golden Jubilee. During this significant milestone, the “Riyadh at 50 Declaration” reaffirmed our dedication to scaling up South-South Cooperation and maintaining a global leading role in this domain.

We are committed to working with our member countries and development partners to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

On behalf of the IsDB Group, I wish everyone a happy United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation.

Let this occasion inspire us to remember the power of solidarity and our collective potential to create a positive impact on present and future generations.