Total Projects
Total Funding
766 $ m
Capital Subscription
% Total Capital percent

Country Background

Republic of Tajikistan joined the IsDB on 27 November 1996 and has a capital subscription of ID 18.2 million (0.04% of total IsDB subscribed capital). As of June 2019, Tajikistan has paid ID 2.8 million, which is 15.4% of its commitment to the IsDB subscribed capital. Tajikistan is also member to the ICD.

It is a least developed member country in the IsDB country assessment category and consequently the country is a recipient of the IsDB concessional loan and grant resources. Tajikistan is a landlocked country located in Central Asia, with an area of 143,100 km2 with population of 9.3 million. Tajikistan boasts significant hydropower potential and strategic minerals including coal, gold, silver, precious stones, and uranium.

Tajikistan is one of the poorest IsDB member countries with current per capita GDP of US$825.8 (2018). The population is mainly involved in agriculture and services. Agriculture employs 1/3 of the labor force. Services mostly represent communications, trade and tourism. One of the prominent contributors in the industry is aluminum plant Talco.The poverty headcount dropped from 47% in 2009 to 30.3% in 2017. Remittances are one of the key factors that have increasingly supported growth and poverty reduction since 2003. In 2018, remittances represented 31.5% of the GDP.

H.E. Zavqi Zavqizoda
Minister of Economic Development and Trade
Alternate Governor
H.E. Majidi Yusuf Khairullo
Deputy Minister of Finance