Total Projects
Total Funding
1.2 $ bn
Capital Subscription
% Total Capital percent

Turkmenistan joined the IsDB in November 1994. Its share in subscribed capital is ID 5 million (0.01% of IsDB total subscribed capital). Turkmenistan is also a member of ICD, ITFC, ICIEC, ISFD and IRTI. Turkmenistan is an upper middle-income country of 6.1 (2021) million people and the second largest country by area in the Central Asia. Turkmenistan is a landlocked and mainly desert country located in Central Asia, with an area of 488,100 sq. km. Turkmenistan borders with Afghanistan and Uzbekistan and has access to the Caspian Sea in the West, between Iran and Kazakhstan. Turkmenistan is rich in mineral resources mainly in oil and natural gas. Being a largely desert, country has sizeable hydrocarbon resources and intensive agriculture.

H.E. Rahimberdi J. Jepbarov
Chairman of the Board of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan
Alternate Governor
H.E. the IsDB Alternate Governor