With an estimated population of 800,000 (2017) covering a surface area of about 1,800 square kilometers, Comoros has a high population density with almost 400 inhabitants per square kilometer, and over half of its population (53%) is under the age of 20.
According to the last household survey conducted in 2014, almost 18% of the population lives under the international poverty line set at $1.9 per capita per day. The incidence of poverty, which varies considerably from one island to another, seems highest in rural areas and on the island of Mohéli. There is considerable inequality, with a Gini index of 44.9.
Comoros is an island-country dominated by subsistence agriculture (three export crops - vanilla, clove, ylang-ylang), import-related commerce, and government services. Fishing and tourism have tremendous potential but are not fully exploited. The country's high dependence on a narrow export base and external aid has made it vulnerable to external shocks.