IsDB President Dr. Al Jasser's Address on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary
29 April, 2024

IsDB President Dr. Al Jasser's Address on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary

Making Development Work for the Vulnerable
25 Octobre, 2023

Making Development Work for the Vulnerable

Conférence de S.E. Dr Muhammad AL JASSER Président du Groupe de la Banque islamique de développement à L’Université Mohammed V - Rabat
18 Octobre, 2023

Conférence de S.E. Dr Muhammad AL JASSER Président du Groupe de la Banque islamique de développement à L’Université Mohammed V - Rabat

« Rôle et impact du Groupe de la BID dans l’appui à ses pays membres et au Maroc pour un développement socioéconomique inclusif et durable »

International Youth Day 2023:  Statement by H.E. Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, President, Islamic Development Bank
12 August, 2023

International Youth Day 2023: Statement by H.E. Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, President, Islamic Development Bank

The Islamic World Needs Innovative Financing to Reverse the Education Crisis
19 July, 2023

The Islamic World Needs Innovative Financing to Reverse the Education Crisis

Investing in global health: A common objective
23 June, 2023

Investing in global health: A common objective

IsDB's Strategic Realignment - A Promising Strategy for a Sustainable Future
05 April, 2023

IsDB's Strategic Realignment - A Promising Strategy for a Sustainable Future

Why a Fair and Just Transition Approach from MDBs Matters for Effective Climate Action
18 January, 2023

Why a Fair and Just Transition Approach from MDBs Matters for Effective Climate Action

Bridging the Digital Divide to Accelerate Development
18 January, 2023

Bridging the Digital Divide to Accelerate Development

Supporting resilience and sustainability through South-South cooperation
12 September, 2022

Supporting resilience and sustainability through South-South cooperation

On the occasion of UN Day for South South Cooperation, an article by H.E. Chairman of IsDB Group

On the occassion of United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, an article entitled" The Islamic Development Bank Group “Towards a More Resilient World” by H.E. Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, IsDB President and Chairman of IsDB Group
12 September, 2021

On the occassion of United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, an article entitled" The Islamic Development Bank Group “Towards a More Resilient World” by H.E. Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, IsDB President and Chairman of IsDB Group

It has been almost a year and a half since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone around the globe has the same question in mind: “When will the world put an end to this pandemic so that we can resume our normal lives?”

A Wake-up Call: Addressing Global Challenges through South-South Cooperation
03 November, 2020

A Wake-up Call: Addressing Global Challenges through South-South Cooperation

The Power of Partnerships and Coalitions in Financing the SDGs
24 Octobre, 2020

The Power of Partnerships and Coalitions in Financing the SDGs

Today is a special anniversary as we mark 75 years of collective work since the UN came into existence. In September this year, we also reflected on five years since the adoption of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which represented a new vision of development linking people, planet and prosperity and raised financing needs from billions to trillions.

Comment l’industrie textile peut aider les pays à se remettre de la Covid-19 ?
11 August, 2020

Comment l’industrie textile peut aider les pays à se remettre de la Covid-19 ?

• Le secteur du textile et du vêtement peut créer des emplois et stimuler l’industrialisation dans les pays à mesure qu’ils se rétablissent de la Covid-19. • Cependant, pour tirer le meilleur parti de cette opportunité, les pays devront créer de nouveaux partenariats et se donner de nouvelles approches.

Reconstruire des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires résilientes
02 July, 2020

Reconstruire des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires résilientes