The mission of the Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD) is to support the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) in becoming a knowledge-based organization that continuously improves its operations. We leverage evaluation insights to enhance the development effectiveness of the Bank’s interventions in Member Countries and Muslim communities in Non-member countries. IEvD began its journey in 1990 as the Operations Evaluation Office. The Department reports directly to the Board of Executive Directors through the Operations and Development Effectiveness Committee.
The Independent Evaluation Department evaluates the relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness of IsDB’s work and appraises the sustainability of the development results achieved. Our objective assessment of evaluation results helps us identify key lessons that can improve the effectiveness of the Bank’s initiatives in various countries and sectors.
We use creative and evidence-based approaches aligned with international standards to evaluate IsDB's diverse operations. We create evaluation products that are responsive to institutional needs and provide lessons and recommendations that are relevant, feasible, ethical, and accurate.
IEvD is structured into three units: the Project and Program Evaluation (PPE) division, the Corporate, Country & Thematic Evaluation (CCTE) division, and the Evaluation Learning and Outreach section. We collaborate with peer institutions and engage in outreach activities to strengthen evaluation practice and promote evaluative thinking.