IEvD Shares Insights on Evaluation with Regional Hub of Dhaka
11 June, 2024

IEvD Shares Insights on Evaluation with Regional Hub of Dhaka

The Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD) of the Islamic Development Bank conducted a knowledge-sharing session with the staff of the IsDB Regional Hub of Dhaka on June 11, 2024. The session aimed to introduce IEvD's role and functions, as well as to showcase some of its innovative evaluation products and platforms. Br. Amin Abdullahi and Dr. Ahmed Abdeljawad from the IEvD delivered a presentation on IEvD, which covered the department's background, strategic objectives, evaluation policy, evaluation framework, and evaluation products. They also highlighted some of the key features and benefits of IEvD's innovative platforms, such as LEARN, and STEER.

The presentation was followed by a Q&A session, where the colleagues expressed their interest and curiosity about IEvD's work and platforms. They asked questions regarding how to make the best use of LEARN and STEER, as well as how to integrate evaluation lessons into their project design and implementation. The IEvD team also demonstrated the features of the LEARN platform using live examples.

The session was well received by the participants, who appreciated the informative and interactive nature of the session. They also provided positive feedback and suggestions for improving the platforms and enhancing the collaboration between IEvD and the Regional Hubs. The IEvD team thanked the participants for their active engagement and expressed their willingness to conduct similar sessions with other Regional Hubs in the future.