Welcome to Project Procurement eLearning
Project Procurement plays a key role in the planning and implementation of Bank financed projects. Proper understanding of the procurement guidelines, bidding documents and templates is vital for all internal and external stakeholders involved in project delivery.
Consequently, the Learning Resources available here have been developed with the objective to equip the Bank’s staff as well as staff of the Beneficiaries with the necessary knowledge and skills. These resources have been made available in the public domain for the greater benefit of the staff of Executing Agencies, Project Management Units, and other stakeholders in the Member Countries.
The Project Procurement Learning Resources cover introduction of the New Procurement Framework, Development of Procurement Strategy and Plan, and key aspects of the Project Procurement Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and Consultancy Services as well as Contracts Management.
The Learning Resources form a part of the capacity building mandate of the Project Procurement Division of IsDB and aim to:
Train and familiarize Beneficiaries and other concerned stakeholders, on the project procurement policies and procedures for projects financed by the Bank.
Disseminate procurement best practices, including lessons learned from real life Case Studies.
Explain the tools and guidance notes needed to support project teams in project procurement-related activities during the project cycle.
Accessing the eLearning Courses
Perform the following steps to access the eLearning courses:
- Click the link for a specific eLearning course.
- Enter your user credentials and login.
- If not already registered, click Register.
- Enter the required details and register for accessing the courses.
- Verify your email ID and continue accessing the courses.